I have far too many interests for one person but fundamentally I’m a software engineer and data scientist with a passion for doing AI the right way. I have a load of experience working on full stack webdev (SaaS platform), ML and DL projects including fundamental research, frontend and UI design, python package development and much more.

I’ve just moved to sunny California and I’m looking for my next opportunity to make a difference in AI!

If you want to get in contact with me, please either use my contact form or find my Linkedin in the footer :)


Check out some of the projects I've done. This section is a broad reflection on the whole project, with varying levels of detail depending on what I find interesting while writing and reflecting.

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I'm documenting some of my learnings from various projects in these blog posts. In general they will generally be shorter and more targeted on specific problems and solutions than the project pages.

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Feeling curious about me outside of work? Check out the About page to learn a little more and then if that's still not enough, send me an email or connect on LinkedIn

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Quantum Programming

Introduction to Quantum Programming

My initial dive into the world of quantum programming
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