

I have far too many interests but the common thread is that I want to deeply understand how things work, and then how to fix or improve them. That is why I enjoy working on things that range from research into cutting-edge ML techniques to bioinformatics. I am interested in both practical and fundamental problems – and working on projects that have impact now, or far in the future. I have broad international experience and love learning about new people and cultures and in my day to day care most about working on interesting problems with interesting people.


I studied at Royal Holloway University of London, where I achieved the top scores in my year. I also did a year abroad at University of California, San Diego. I used that opportunity to study outside my field, learning Spanish and Behavioural Economics and Game Theory, writing part of a report on Microgrids and how they could impact Climate Change that was published by the University of California Office of the President. I also took the opportuntity to explore hardware and embedded software development in designing and building a single PCB quadcopter as well as learning in depth the theory and practice of Deep Learning and Computer Vision none of which were available to me at RHUL.

My personal and academic interests include electronics and autonomous vehicles, bioinformatics, and AI and Deep Learning (everything from improving word embeddings to how we get to practical general intelligence)


Since 2019 I have been building Seclea, a startup that is trying to build a comprehensive Responsible AI platform - that covers the whole AI development lifecycle and provides the tools to help companies to ensure that the AI applications they are developing are fair, reliable and compliant.

I have been involved in all aspects of development - as is normal at a small start-up - I have lead the UI and UX aspects of the frontend, designing and reviewing mockups and final implementations. I took on the early DevOps work, containerising the applications and using docker-compose to organise them into a deployment while architecting for multi-domain deployments and setting up a basic CI/CD pipeline. I architected and implemented the interface package with Data Science pipelines - which is deployed on pip and conda-forge.

We have been working primarily with django on the backend, using celery for async task execution. React, Typescript, redux and redux-sagas on the frontend and python and a variety of ML frameworks for the integration package.


When I’m not working or working on projects, I might be bouldering, playing the piano, scuba diving, falling into a Wikipedia or Youtube hole or travelling. I am recently getting back into skiing but I haven’t been going anywhere near as much as I’d like to!