Initial Post


Initial Post

This is an initial blog post to welcome you to the site and describe what I am aiming to do with this blog

Welcome! I expect that there won’t be too many people looking at this blog, let alone this post but for the sake of consistency I wanted to introduce the blog section and describe what I plan to put here. If I’m honest I’m also hoping that this serves as some form of motivation to stick to the goals and ideas that I set out here as I can later be put to task if I fail!

With that said, what do I plan to do?

Firstly I want to use this space to document specific issues that I have encountered in past and current projects. They will usually be related in some way to the projects that will also be on this site but not always. I think that there will also be some less directed posts that may just record how I am getting on with a current project and what’s going on with that.

I am considering also publishing the focused pieces on Medium to have a larger audience, but that will only really be for specific problems and solutions, not the more general posts.

What do I plan not to do?

I don’t plan to put any personal, political or other general commentary on anything other than the projects I’m working on. That’s not to say that I don’t have any, I think that most people who engage with the world do, just that I don’t think that I want to put them out into the world in this form, here.

I want to keep this a predominantly technically focused space.


That’s about it, the last thing is to say thank you for taking the time to read this! If you ever want to reach out, please do! But also be aware that I can take some time to respond!

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